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Forgery: Mixed reactions trail SGF’s comments

Momoh prince
MIXED reactions, yester­day, trailed Secretary to the Government of the Federa­tion (SGF), Babachir David Lawal’s comments on the forgery suit against Senate President, Bukola Saraki and his deputy, Ike Ekwer­emadu.
Former Senate President, Adolphus Wabara, former governor of old Kaduna state, Balarabe Musa, el­der statesman, Chief Ayo Adebanjo and former presi­dential adviser on Political Affairs, Akin Osuntokun differed on Lawal’s com­ments.
Describing the SGF’s comments as strange, Wabara contended that it was unheard of, that an SGF would dabble into the af­fairs of the Senate.
“The law says until a con­viction is made, an accused is considered innocent. Saraki and Ekweremadu are innocent until the court says otherwise,” said Wabara.
Similarly, Osuntokun ex­pressed shock at the SGF’s comments. He said Lawal Babachir spoke in a manner no previous occupant of the office had done.
He said: ”My memory can’t recollect an SGF who spoke in such manner. He is not supposed to be overtly political. I’m shocked that he could make such weighty political statement.”
On his part, Adebanjo called on the SGF to focus on serious issues which his office is constitutionally designed to handle than en­gage in unnecessary poli­tics.
“We have serious prob­lems facing our country. Most Nigerians cannot eat, there is hunger everywhere, there is no light anywhere, yet, they are there playing politics.”
In a related development, Lawal’s predecessor in of­fice, Chief Olu Falae de­scribed the forgery allega­tion levelled against Saraki and his deputy, as a judicial matter.
“They are alleging a crime against the two. That is an allegation and I believe is up to the judiciary to de­cide. It is for the judicial of­ficers to decide whether the allegation is true or not,” he said.
To former governor of Anambra State and erst­while special adviser to former President Olusegun Obasanjo, Chief Chukwue­meka Ezeife, Lawal’s com­ments sounded “irrespon­sible. This is the problem some of us who support the anti-corruption policy of government face. It ap­pears government is using every element of force to deal with mere perceived opponents.
“But, Saraki appeared somehow to manage to cling the position of Senate President. And, then, some­thing that happened a year before, they are now trying to use that to throw him out.” he added.
In his reaction, former In­formation minister, Prince Tony Momoh said people were just politicising a very simple, constitutional issue.
He added that Saraki and Ekweremadu are individu­als and different from their offices.
“Is it the National As­sembly that has committed an offence? Saraki was not elected primarily as presi­dent of the Senate, neither was Ekweremadu. Any of the 109 Senators can be president or deputy. They are individuals who alleg­edly committed the offence and not their offices. I do not see any problem there and only the Attorney Gen­eral of the Federation can prosecute the case; so, the Attorney General is in or­der. The Supreme law of the land is the Constitution and the Constitution is the doc­umentation of delegated powers and the powers are delegated by the people be­cause sovereignty belongs to the people.” - THE SUN

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