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N1.4 trn: MTN Nigeria pays another N30bn to FG


GLOBAL System for Mobile (GSM) communications service provider, MTN, has paid another tranche of N30 billion to the Federal Government, Ferdi Moolman , chief executive officer of the firm disclosed in Lagos yesterday,
This payment comes on the heels of a previous N50 billion paid earlier in February, 2016. Last October, the Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC) imposed a N1.04 trillion fine on MTN for failing to disconnect over five million unregistered lines from its network
He also said NCC has declared the telecoms company winner of the 2.6GHz band auction, a 10 year frequency spectrum licence. According to him, the license acquisi­tion aligned with MTN’s faith in Nigeria’s future and the resilience of its economy.
“We strongly believe that there is need for significant levels of investment in broadband infrastructure and ser­vices to truly launch Nigeria into the information age. We are honoured to be the arrowhead.
“In addition, we are also delighted that the matter of the fine imposed by the NCC was amicably settled in the interest of all parties. I am pleased to announce that the first payment of N30 billion in the terms of settlement has already been disbursed to the NCC. In addition to the ear­lier payment of N50 billion which was paid on February 24, this means we have now paid a total of N80 billion.”
He further stated that MTN has been issued a letter of award after complying with all the requirements for the 2.6GHz auction as well as made licence payment of N18.96 billion to the NCC. “With the 2.6 GHz band, we expect to roll out and provide the full range of LTE services to Nigerians, empowering Nigeria with the latest mobile broadband technology.
“The award of the spectrum by the NCC was further to an open, transparent and competitive process in which all operators, local and foreign enjoyed equal and unfettered rights of participation in line with the NCC’s desire for transparency and ensuring a level playing field for all, he said.
Moolman also maintained that “MTN was very pleased with this development at this time,” which was a further step in the right direction for Nigeria. He added that MTN is fully aligned with and supports NCC’s objective to deliver broadband services to present and future gener­ations of subscribers, in line with the National Broadband Plan of 2013. - THE SUN

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