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Dogara to ring bell at NSE today

Dogara to ring bell at NSE today

The Speaker of the House of Representa­tives, Rt Hon Yakubu Dogara, will today ring the bell at the Nigerian Stock Ex­change (NSE) in La­gos.
A statement issued by the Special Ad­viser on Media and Public Affairs to the Speaker, Mr Tura-ki Hassan, in Lagos, said Dogara will ring the bell to close ac­tivities on the floor of the Nigerian Stock Exchange by 2pm.
The Speaker was invited to the NSE in recognition of his contribution and that of the House in deepening the mar­ket through legisla­tion.
Dogara has been championing calls for the deepen­ing of the exchange and recently, while declar-ing open a conference organ­ised by the House Committee on Capi­tal Market, he said the House may pass laws that will compel multi-national com­panies doing busi­ness in the country to list a certain per­centage of their value on the market.
He had stated fur­ther that large com­panies in the listed sectors must be com­pelled to list on the capital market in order to deepen the market and make capital available for investors and create employment.
The Speaker has also called for severe sanctions against fraudulent stock market players as p
art of measures to strengthen the coun­try’s financial mar­ket.
While expressing confidence that the stock market could provide the needed platform to revamp Nigeria’s economy, the Speaker had also said the House was ready to contribute its quota to checking the drift in the sec­tor. - The Authority


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