Breaking News

Okorocha demolishes Ihenacho's property

Okorocha demolishes Ihenacho's property

Denies receiving court order

At last, Governor Rochas Okorocha of Imo State has on Thursday demolished a property belonging to for­mer Minister of Interior, Captain Emmanuel Ihena­cho along Amakohia/Orlu Road. However, only the fence of the building was affected in the demolition.
The building which has already been marked for demolition by the Ow­erri Capital Development Agency (OCDA) some weeks back was strongly kicked against by Ihena­cho who vowed to resist the demolition.
Meanwhile, the State government few hours af­ter the demolition of the property denied receiving any court order from the former minister, prohibit­ing the demolition.
According to a press statement issued from the office of the chief press secretary to gover­nor Okorocha, signed by Mr Sam Onwuemeodo and obtained by The AU­THORITY on Saturday, the governor explained that the demolition was not done out of malice, insisting that it was in the best interest of the state.
He urged Ihenacho to accept the demolition in good fate, while acknowl­edging his support to the state government before the demolition, and ad­vised him to shun incite­ment by politicians.
Governor Okorocha said “the former Minister of Interior and the gover­norship candidate of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) in the State, Captain Emmanuel Ihea
nacho has been very supportive of the Rescue Mission government in the State since 2011 and that is why efforts by cer­tain politicians in the state to incite him against the government has failed” -The Authority.


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