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Onyeama meets with Sierra Leone delegation

Onyeama meets with Sierra Leone delegation

Barely a week after the Deputy High Com­missioner of Sierra Leone to Nigeria, Nelson Williams was kidnapped and later released in Nige­ria, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyeama, met with a high-powered delegation from Sierra Leone led by Dr. Samura Mathew Wilson Kamara, the country’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Inter­national Cooperation.
The envoy was on his way to Kaduna to honour an invitation by the Mili­tary for function in the city last weekend when he was kidnaped.
Meanwhile, the diplo­mat has been reunited with the Sierra Leonean High Commissioner and his family after he was released by his captors.
In a release by the Min­istry of Foreign Affairs yes­terday, made available to
The Authority on Saturday, “the Ministers had very fruitful discussions on the rescue of the senior Sierra Leonian diplomat who was kidnapped on the Abuja-Kaduna Highway on 30 June 2016 and other mat­ters of bilateral interest.”
The Ministers expressed their commitment to revive the Nigeria/Sierra Leone Joint Commission with a view to strengthening bilat­eral relations between the two countries.
The Ministers also ex­changed views on global affairs including, the re­form of the United Nations Security Council which will be on the agenda of the 27th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union tak­ing place in Kigali, Rwanda from 10 - 18 July, 2016. - The Authority.


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