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Buhari takes Nigerians for granted – Junaid Mohammed …we won’t respond, says presidency

President Buhari ---Social critic and Convener of the Coalition of Northern Politicians, Academics, Professionals and Businessmen, Dr. Junaid Mohammed has said that President Muhammadu Buhari is taking Nigerians’ confidence in his integrity for granted. In an exclusive interview with the Sunday Telegraph, Junaid also expressed his displeasure over the President’s pattern of governance, saying: Nigerians are not going to say hallelujah. Buhari doesn’t have the courage, honesty admit when he has done wrong. As a man, if he cannot admit when he has done wrong, I can’t see how he can be forgiven by Nigerians. “The fact remains that Buhari has taken advantage of Nigerians’ belief in his integrity and abused the privilege. Nigerians are never going to forgive him. As a leader, he is not performing and Nigerians are going to tell him he is not performing. It’s the simple truth”. The medical doctor and a former member of the House of Representatives and a delegate to the 2014 National Conference where he represented Kano State and served in the Committee on Devolution of Powers also frowned at the involvement of some his family members in government. But when asked to comment on the allegations raised by Mohammed, Senior Special Adviser to President Buhari on Media and Publicity, Mallam Garba Shehu said he would not react to any of those issues because those allegations have been made by Mohammed a few times earlier. “That is not new. Junaid Mohammed has said it before in interviews published in The Sun and even The Punch. The point is that we don’t want to join issues with Dr. Junaid Mohammed. We will not do that. We are not aware of those claims and we will not respond to them. The President has a job to do and he is facing that right now.” Pressed to respond to allegations of incompetence against the President and Alhaji Mamma Daura, he said: “We won’t comment on that either. As you aware, President Muhammadu Buhari is on leave now and we don’t want to distract the Acting President in any way. So I won’t comment on that.” – New Telegraph.

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