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Nasarawa Govt deploys 3,000 youths for community services

Nasarawa Govt deploys 3,000 youths for community services
A sharp drop on un­employment has continued unabat­ed in Nasarawa State as Governor Umaru Tanko Al-Makura takes some conscious steps toward youth empowerment, with the introduction of the Nasarawa youth empowerment scheme (NAYES).
Since the introduc­tion of the empowerment scheme, no fewer than 3,000 youth across the 13 Local government areas of the state have been trained to undertake essential services that add value to community development.
The first batch of the scheme which offers em­ployment to 1,500 un­employment youths have since been deployed for community service in critical sectors of the gov­ernment, as traffic ward­ers, sanitary inspectors as well as facility inspectors, among others.
The height of the em­powerment scheme was the training of the sec­ond batch of other 1,500 youth who were screened and trained by the Nigeri­an Army, Nigerian Police and NSCDC in a three weeks’ intensive skill programmes which was heralded with the passing out parade on Saturday that was attended by Al-Makura, National Assem­bly members from the state, commissioners and other top government Of­ficials at the NYSC Camp Keffi. - The Authority

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