Breaking News

Why we conducted Local Govt elections - Umahi

Why we conducted Local Govt elections - Umahi

Ebonyi State Gover­nor David Umahi has explained why his state had to conduct the local govern­ment elections and said the ruling Peoples Demo­cratic Party has no doubts in winning the elections.
Umahi spoke on the election in his Uburu hometown, Ohaozara Lo­cal Government Area of the state. He noted that the exercise was general­ly peaceful and recorded large turnout of voters.
The governor applaud­ed the manner of the conduct of the elections which held during the weekend in the 13 council areas and171 wards.
He noted that he en­sured that parties except PDP that have the interest to contest the election par­ticipated by paying 50% of fees for their nomination forms.
“I am so excited about the local government election. One is the huge turnout, two is the peace­ful election. We decided to conduct this local gov­ernment election in line with the law. Ebonyi State as PDP state has nothing to fear about local govern­ment election or any oth­er election. I have always maintained that PDP is Ebonyi State and Ebonyi State is PDP,” he said.
He used that occasion and reiterated his earlier position on the presiden­tial election in the coun­try, adding that the state will jettison party politics in the exercise.
“We have been so bad­ly neglected by the past federal administration as a state and so whomever Ebonyi State is going to cast their votes for in the next presidential election, we will sit down with the leaders of the state to dis­cuss it. We want whoever that will help us to harness our mineral resources, treat us like other states, give us appointments like other states, that’s what we are looking for.
“We are the last in fed­eral allocation, everything that concerns us; divi­dends of democracy, Eb­onyi State is always the last at the federal level. So, we decided to take our destiny in our hands because we are politically very much alive,” Umahi said.
The ruling PDP won the elections in all the LGAs and wards.-The Authority

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