Breaking News

Tunisia private airline Jasmin Airways strengthens operations with acquisition of new aircraft

Private Tunisian airline, Jasmin Airways, having made its first flight last month to Sarajevo in Bosnia-Herzegovina is looking at strengthening its hand with its third aircraft being delivered this month.
The airline’s CEO, dental surgeon and airline pilot, Ali Ben Amara, and his team, will implement a policy focusing on “differentiation and complementarity”.
“I am not competing with Tunisair,” he said. “We will operate charter flights from Enfidha and Djerba and what Tunisair does not do, Jasmin Airways will do… and vice versa.”
He remains optimistic about ‘open skies’ being implemented in Tunisia and throughout Africa in the wake of the single African air transport market (SAATM).
Jasmin Airways chose the Embraer E170 after entering into a dry lease agreement with CIAF Leasing (Egypt) for two aircraft. The first was delivered on May 30 this year and made its first flight to Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on June 10.
Initially Jasmin will serve eastern and western Europe, Italy, Bilbao and Prague.
“For now, we need aircraft capable of operating with a flight time from Tunisia of between 50 minutes and two hours.
“Our third E170 is being delivered this month (rented from Finnair) and, in four years, we intend to start flying the E190-E2 to consolidate and diversify our network. We hope to go ‘low-cost’ in November 2019.”

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